Join the Journey
We invite you to join us…There are so many ways
Every donation matters. Click here to learn more about what your donation can do.
Create Fundraisers
College and community groups can sponsor events that make education possible for our Haitian students.
Introduce Us
We welcome the chance to connect with individuals and foundations who support our mission.
Invitation to Teachers, Supervisors and Other Volunteers:
The FTSJS curriculum includes core required social work courses, social work electives, a strong foundation in the English language, and electives in other areas of social science with a focus on social justice. Teaching is done by American volunteer faculty and Haitian professionals in real-time at a distance using online learning. Field placement and final project supervisors are also needed. We welcome contact from individuals with masters or doctorate degrees. We can help you to shape your curriculum to meet required courses and/or to develop electives that will be relevant and engaging for our students. Please email Miranda at,